Всероссийский научно-методологический семинар с международным участием «Модель ключевых методических компетенций научно-педагогических работников вузов в условиях интернационализации образования»

Томский политехнический университет

Россия, Томск,
21-23 апреля 2016

Поиск по порталу:

Dear Colleagues!

As a part of celebration of Tomsk Polytechnic University 120th Anniversary, you are heartily invited to join us in professional interest events and attend

3rd Research and Methodology Seminar-Conference
“Technical University Students Training in a Foreign Language:
Methodological Awareness of Teaching Staff”
21-23 April 2016, Tomsk, Russia

Training Course “Delivering Content Subjects in a Foreign Language”
11 April – 23 May 2016, online


Participation in the events provides opportunity to build professional networking and get acquainted with current teaching practices implemented throughout universities in Russia and abroad.

The content of the Seminar-Conference and online course is designed with actual teaching practices of content teachers who deliver chemistry, physics, mathematics and other subjects in English being materials for analytical thinking and sharing expertise.

TPU experience of delivering the content subjects in English started back in 1999. Participants of the events will be exposed to variety of techniques used in teaching in class, online, organization of independent studies, working with international students.

The Seminar-Conference and online course participants are those who:

  • content teachers;
  • teachers of ESP;
  • practitioners in the field of education;
  • administrative staff, university managers responsible for internationalization and language training

and other practitioners and interested in language training.

You are welcome to join professional community for ideas exchange, sharing best practices of delivering subjects in English!

To become the Seminar-Conference participant please register following the link


The Seminar-Conference Fields

  • Modern teaching technologies in professional training in a foreign language
  • Electronic educational resources in the development of professional foreign-language competence of prospective engineers
  • Technologies of the competence-based education in adult learning as means of university staff professional development
  • Critical thinking for developing the professional competences of technical university students


The Seminar-Conference topics also includes questions of adaptation of international students, teaching Russian as a foreign language, teaching variety of Englishes, writing for academic and scientific purposes. 

Programme in brief

The Programme of the Seminar-Conference includes discussions, problem solving seminars and workshops devoted to professional training in English. The participants from Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100 universities will report on real cases of organising professional training in a foreign language at their universities.

TPU will offer the opportunity to visit actual classes on content training delivered in English for bachelor and master degree students. TPU departments’ staff will host short visits for the event participants to get acquainted with staff and teaching practices onsite.

The Seminar-Conference Proceedings will be published and indexed in Russian Index of Research Citation.

The full version of the Programme will be available shortly.

The Seminar-Conference participants have the unique opportunity to take a custom-designed training course “Delivering Content Subjects in a Foreign Language” which  will take place online from 11 April to 23 May 2016 (for extra fee).

The course offers teaching toolkit that enables to perform pedagogical design of content classes and entails induvial trajectories depending on participants` specialization.

 As a result of studies the participants will be equipped with didactic and pedagogical tools that will enable them to design teaching materials for delivering professional modules in English for the content subjects of their choice.

Call for Papers

Please download the template for teaching practice presentation as talk at the Seminar-Conference panels (файл Case-Eng в приложении к этому письму)

Please download the template for materials for publication (файл Template_Eng в приложении к этому письму)

Booklet for the training course “Delivering Content Subjects in a Foreign Language” is available here
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